Developing Wellsite Geology Software

Developing Wellsite Geology Software

Over the years I have been able to work on many different software projects. Some of these were stand-alone applications, others were client server applications that made good use of …

Numerology, Quantum Physics and Pythagoras

Numerology, Quantum Physics and Pythagoras

Pythagoras was a great teacher, philosopher and mathematician in Ancient Greece. Thousands of years ago he said, “God Geometrizes.” He also said, “Numbers are alive and are the creation tools …

The Genesis Flood and Geology

The Genesis Flood and Geology

About the Earth If you drew a straight line from the surface of the earth to its center, that line would be a little over 3,950 miles long. The crust …

Quantum Physics and Affirmations

Quantum Physics and Affirmations

Quantum physics is changing the game of reality and showing us that the mind plays a big role in what is considered to be real. Quantum theory puts forth the …