Renaissance Science – The Electromagnetics of Universal Love

The Molecule of Emotion was discovered in 1972 by the scientist Dr Candace Pert. It was found to be the same molecule that existed in a primitive creature millions of years ago. The evolutionary difference between the primitive life form molecule and the human molecule was that the human one vibrates much faster. It can be considered that this evolutionary speeding up process might be caused by the fractal expansion of the universe. This proposition can be accommodated within the lost Classical Greek Music of the Spheres life science. The Harvard/NASA Astrophysics High Energy Division Library recently published papers arguing the the Classical Greek world view was based upon fractal logic.

The major difficulties in carrying out research into fractal life-science is firstly, that it has been declared heresy and secondly, it challenges the physics law governing Western scientific culture. That physics energy law demands the destruction of all life in the universe when the universe’s heat radiates off into cold space. While fractal logic is scientifically accepted as extending to infinity, life sciences within Western Universities can only be about species evolving to toward this postulated heat death extinction. The pagan basis of science once argued that infinite geometrical logic linked the evolutionary process to the functioning of an infinite universe and once again religious dogmatic science is on the defensive.

The Jesuit priest Tieldardt de Chardin absolutely refuted the omni power of the physics law of total extinction now governing Western technology. Both he and his colleague Maria Montessori, who is listed in TIME Magazine’s Century of Science as the greatest scientist of 1907, wanted to balance Einstein’s 1905 law of destruction E=Mc2, with a forbidden fractal logic law from ancient Greece. De Chardin’s work was denied publication during his lifetime by the Roman Holy Office and the law basic of the destructive ethos went on to be referred to by Einstein as the premier law of all science.

Montessori was working with Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison on ideas about how electromagnetic forces might be influencing young schoolchildren in order to develop creative abilities distinct from parental or dogmatic church imput. De Chardin and Montessori’s electromagnetic Golden Gates to the future could not open for any chosen race or privileged few, but only for all people at the same time. The Science Art Research Centre in Australia wanted to locate a pragmatic electromagnetic example of this humanistic fractal logic functioning in nature.

The scientist, Matti Pitkanen, extended de Chardin’s ideas about the lost Greek science of universal love. Every 11 years the sun sends balls of lethal electromagnetic radiation toward the earth which are caught be the earth’s electromagnetic hands and flung off into outer space. Pitkanen pointed out that the process fulfilled the criteria for it to be considered as an act of consciousness, in which electromagnetic forces act for the health of all life on earth at the same time.

During the 20th Century the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia discovered new physics laws governing optimum biological growth and and development through space-time. Both the Centre’s mathematician and director were awarded Gold Medal Laureates in 2009 by the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science in London. Professor Simon Shnoll, the Head of Biological Research at Moscow University, also received such an award following his impassioned lecture about the burning alive in Rome of the scientist Giordano Bruno for teaching about the Greek science of universal love at Oxford University.

While the wrath of the Inquisition may have lost potency, reasoning about life and death issues for humanity can still suffer influential constraint because of existing religious dogmatic persuasions. In honour of those great scientists of the Church who suffered so badly because of its hierarchical disposition, challenges to fixed scientific doctrine concerning spiritual or holographic science debate should no longer warrant condemnation as heresy. Cicero, the Roman Historian, recorded that the teachers of the Greek Atomistic science of universal love were called saviours. Perhaps, Thomas Jefferson’s published conviction that Jesus Christ was the greatest of those scientists who had inherited the ‘Saviour’ title, might provide some sort of modernistic healing salve for the Church during future technological debate.

By Professor Robert Pope

Copyright © Robert Pope 2010

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